Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lesson Learned...

So I thought I would have a little more time before I wanted to share something but that's okay.  Life always throws you something and you just have to be prepared in a way to handle that.  This last week I had the privilege of meeting a 6th grader named Antonio Serrano. He was signed up for my beginning band period and I kinda wanted to get an idea of the students that had signed up before hand since they were there to talk to.  This past Wednesday I was informed that this young man passed away, thanks to the violence in Juarez.  I have been able to express myself in many ways to overcome this confusing situation... One was grieving with the students, expressing to them not only how short life is but how much I care for them as a whole and as individuals, writing little notes on posters for the boys father and now this one.  I can't understand how this can be okay.  The problems in Juarez are only getting worse.  This is the 30th kid to die in Juarez under the age of 18. Thats not something to be happy about.  These students are our light for our future and here these men or children should I say KILLING them.  I was outraged.  This little boy was taken from his father entirely too early.  Antonio and his father had just lost their mom to cancer last year.  The father brought his son over to El Paso or America so that they could have a better life. He was over there for one weekend and this is what happened in the matter of minutes.
          When discussing some of what I was feeling to my students I found out that so many of them go to Juarez on a weekly basis.  So many of them have family.  Its not their fault that this is happening.  That people can't get their head on straight and not target their anger in such a violent way.  These kids never have deserved this.  I know this is a hard situation and I am grateful that I was able to go through it.  It made me take a step back and continue to value the life that we have here on Earth.  I know that he is with his mom and that if he really wanted to be in band or play an instrument... He is up there right now playing an instrument with God's Angels.  I hope that we can all pray for the comfort and peace to go for Antonios family and the students at Rio Bravo that are dealing with this.  I know with being an educator this will not be the last time this happens but I know I will always remember the first student.  It will be okay and we will all be with one another soon.  Antonio I know you are looking down at all of us and just know how much you have impacted the lives of everyone around you. 

R.I.P - Antonio Serrano

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